I try to have a "can-do" attitude. I really do. When the kids want to go sledding and I am thinking to myself, "This is going to be a disaster. You will spend an hour layering these kids and when you get them to the best sledding hill someone is going to melt down. The baby will cry... don't do it.... It's too windy... " And then I look at their puppy dog eyes and realize that this is probably the last snow of the year - optimism trumps realism and I take them sledding. I spend an hour bundling them up, we load the sleds into the van, we drive to the greatest sledding hill ever....
we went halvsies. The big boys loved it. The little ones, not so much. I dragged Annie kicking and screaming up to the top of the hill, plopped my exhausted rear end in the sled, and went flying. She stopped screaming for the duration of the ride and quickly resumed upon stopping. (This is the point of the story where I can hear my parents laughing all the way from California, because legend has it that I may have caused my parents this same kind of duress. )
So, I plopped the little ones in the van with a juice box and the satellite radio and they were ok. The big guys got to sled for an hour.
Did I say earlier this week that having 4 kids was easier than having 2?
So what is a lemonade-from-lemons type of gal to do in situations such as these? Laugh at a picture of them in all their grumpy glory........

1 comment:
Yes - Can you hear your mom and dad laughing all the way from California?
You were insufferable!
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