
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post #300 and a Giveaway!!

Well, Looksie Here! I am at post #300 and I am mighty proud of the progress that I have made it the past 5 years. I have gone from hidden blog, to mediocre photo blog, to mommy blog, to I-don't-give-a-hoot blog, to a place where I've formed meaningful relationships and expressed my inmost thoughts.

I have YOU to thank.

 And because I have been so blessed by the support and love you have shown me - I have something for you....

Leave a comment, I will have Lucy pick a number and if your comment corresponds with that number..... YOU WIN!!  I have been making things all week and I will pick the gift that best corresponds with who you are (you know, male or female) and send it off to you.  Easy as that! You get and extra entry if you are a new "liker" on Facebook. I won't tell you what it is - but you'll like it.

On your marks, get set.... Start commenting!
xoxo, So Much Love In Christ,
Sharon Kieffer Steele at As I See It.......


  1. I am marking Therese Jacobs comment #2 for liking my status on FB. Rock.

  2. I am a newbie to your blog, but love it!!! Keep up the great work. :)

  3. Oh guys! Keep it up. I am packaging your present right now.

  4. Thrilled to be invited to read this blog. Here's to many more tears of laughter over my coffee...and here's to hoping I don't spit it out as I laugh as I did the other day. ;)

  5. Dear Rebekah, spitting coffee is what life is all about. Happy I can be with you on this messy journey. xo. Good Luck.

  6. Lucky number 11! I love receiving packages in the mail!! ;-)

  7. Do you ship to Guam? :) You don't have to send me a prize, just saying hi! I'm still giggling to myself about your gun control and turtlenecks photos.

  8. Helloooooo! OK, I've been trying to post a comment but I've never done this before and I don't think it's working. :-( Well, I'll try this one more time and see what happens...

  9. Well, I think maybe it worked that time. So...basically, I had said that I enjoyed looking over your blog - you're a really good writer!! Maybe now that I have a Google account, I can comment from time to time. :-)
