After a couple of weeks of unparalleled organization and harmony in our little household - I sit before you tonight a bit frenzied and harried after completely falling off the domestic wagon.
I won't sell anyone in our family out - but there is only one person who caused me to fall. (Just to be clear, that person is not my husband.) But his antics today sent my sweet little peace-and-order streak crashing like a house of cards.
So, as I sit here pouring a bag of mini-chocolate chips into my mouth, with the school uniforms still in the washer, and the dropped morsels of dinner still under the dinner table - I will tell you that I deserve this little "me" party right now and the rest can wait until the morning. Perhaps a good night sleep will cure whatever ailed the guilty party today and we can start over tomorrow.
Until then, it's tv and chocolate chips. Life is good.
Ha! I've finished more than one bag of chocolate chips (age reducing antioxidants, right?)in a state of desperation. My children's wellbeing depends on it.