
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Love...

I have realized lately that my dear husband is the oft neglected subject on this little journal of mine. But today is a very special day in our history together - so without further ado - join me in a swoon down memory lane............

Ten years ago today, my life as I know it now began. I didn't know it then, but this handsome young gentleman, who seemed to be taking an interest in me - would turn out to be the love of my life. From the very beginning, Grant was one thing that I was absolutely positively certain about. And nothing has ever changed. Never once have I ever questioned his virtue, his strength, his ability to lead a family - or my unfailing, passionate love for him. There are few lovestories in history that have such an unflinching certainty to them. How fortunate we are to say that we are participating in writing such a lovestory. My life is so richly blessed.

Our life in the beginning was filled with eagerly anticipated dates. We would take long walks in the woods, go on canoe rides, cook dinner together, and talk, and talk, and talk... about everything. All of our hopes for the future, anecdotes from our day, funny stories. It wasn't long before who I was was so intertwined with who he was that the thought of separation was physically painful - and yet we did endure a long physical separation - but our hearts remained so fantasically connected that we knew that this was forever. I have to say - I knew long before that, but the separation sealed the deal: We will spend forever together. I knew it then and I know it now.

And so today I look backward, as I do every year at about this time, and I recall the wonder and beauty that started it all - but I can't help but notice all the beauty that is surrounding me right this minute. Grant and I have a beautiful, passionate, romantic life that is centered around a faith that will take us into eternity. We have built a life that focuses on the Lord and the gifts that abound from that faith are too many to count. Our house is alive with the joy and laughter that come from a life built on love. Love for the Lord, love for our family, and love for eachother. We still have all of the things that wooed us into infatuation with eachother but now we find ourselves with so much more: more house, more children, more responsibilities - more joy, more laughter, more love.

I love you LB, not just today, but always. 10 years down and a lifetime to go.....


  1. How beautiful. So wonderful to read all these years later about an old, dear friend of mine. I am so glad he has found such an increidble little corner of the world in which to settle. He deserves it...and from what I can tell, so do you!!! Congrats!
    Anne (Fischer) Vournakis

  2. Thanks Anne. It just makes me happy to hear about other people who like Grant, too.

    It's funny because I watched all my girlfriends pine and swoon over Jerry Maguire and what I think is the most frightening line in all of movie history, "You complete me." Blech! I never wanted someone to complete me - and you know what is fabulous about Grant? I don't complete him either! He was already stinking awesome to begin with.

    Thanks for writing. It made my day.


  3. Congratulations! This is a great book with fantastic pics! We can't wait to read and see more.

    We are truly blessed to have you both as friends.

    Your friends in Christ,
    Stan and Christi

    P.S. Grant, you go dawg! ;-)

  4. Thank you for falling in love with Grant (even when he had orange hair) and for being such a good wife to him. We are sooooo blessed to have you in our family. You are both wonderful people and a great example of Christian marriage. Now, speaking of passionate mariages, Enzo is calling down to me to come flowbee his hair. talk to you tomorrow.
