The life of a housewife is indeed grueling. I have renewed admiration for you.
Friday I started my cleaning frenzy - not only did I wrestle with my carpet cleaner/steamer saturated my carpet to find that it didn't suck water anymore. I turn around and find that the 17 year old dog had relieved his bowels on the carpet in back of me as I was attempting to clean.
Today was very productive. I vacuumed all of the christmas tree needles out of the back of my SUV (It is September). Now that was a real accomplishment. I changed the bed and actually washed the mattress pad (why?). Now I have made my lunch just in time to watch General Hospital and set my drink on a coaster (yes we do have them - I found them in the bottom of a cupboard that I cleaned out amidst VCR tapes and your graduation from high school paper napkins)
I am exhausted.