
Saturday, November 28, 2009

For Your Enjoyment...

So I confess, I am on blogging strike. I want to write - and once in a while I have a fleeting funny thought - but the truth is that I am uninspired and of no use to the blog-o-sphere right now. And while I am not contributing, I have stumbled on a blog that promised to provide me with endless amounts of daydreaming and voyeurism. Want to take a looksee?

My uncle and his lovely wife are on holiday in Australia and it looks glorious. I am envious of their travel style. It is off the beaten path, meet the locals, see the sights, keep it under the radar type of travelling and I aspire to it. I want to lap it up out of a bowl.

But for now, I will have to satisfy myself with pictures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Notes from a fun Weekend...

We male bonded....
We family bonded....
We female bonded....

And we played video games....

Weekend Pt 2

We played games... We ate junk food....

We saw some wildlife....

And we played more games...

Weekend Pt 3

We got our car tagged by a Motorcycle Gang...
We built a campfire...

We saw some beautiful sights...
And at the end, we all slept snuggly in our beds.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Homemade Marshmallows are Gooood!

.... especially when you eat them right off the beater!

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